[from our President, Anthony LoCoco:]
Please consider attending the First Friday Mass at Marquette University Law School in the Chapel of St. Edmund Campion on the 4th floor of Eckstein Hall at 7:30 A.M. on Friday November 5, 2021. Fr. Brad Krawczyk will preside. Following the Mass, the speaker will be Al McCauley from Pius XI Catholic High School and Saint Anthony on the Lake in Pewaukee. Al will be speaking on, “Life and legacy of St. Barnabas, whose humble encouragement of St. Paul’s ministry changed the course of history.”
Al McCauley is a Catholic Blogger. His blog: “Fish on Fridays with Al McCauley.” He is a popular commentator and writer about the Saints and is very entertaining.
The Law School arrangements will be largely the same as before with a few post-pandemic differences noted below.
For contact tracing to be possible, the Law School will have a sign-in sheet for attendees of the Mass to complete when they arrive at the reception desk to receive their parking validation and to be let through the turnstiles. Also, while the building is normally locked and only accessible to those with an MUID card (with signs on exterior doors indicating this), for the First Friday Mass, the exterior doors will be unlocked from 7 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., so attendees can enter without an MUID card. This will include the entrance from the parking structure. Anyone arriving after 7:45 A.M. will not be able to get into the building. Masks are required when in the building. If someone arrives without a mask, the Law School will provide a paper one for them to wear. For the November 5, First Friday Mass, the conference room for the presentation will be different, Room 432, as the conference room we normally use will be in use that morning.
Thanks to all who attended the Red Mass and reception on October 6th. Save the date for next year, Wednesday October 5, 2022.