To members and friends of the St. Thomas More Lawyers Society of Wisconsin - Please consider attending the First Friday Mass at Marquette University Law School in the Chapel of St. Edmund Campion on the 4th floor of Eckstein Hall at 7:30 A.M. on Friday December 3, 2021. Following the Mass, the speaker will be Paul Dedinsky, former Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge and currently with the Sheboygan County District Attorney’s Office. Paull will be engaging with us in an interactive business ethics presentation for which C.L.E. credit will be applied for.
The Law School arrangements will be largely the same as before with a few post-pandemic differences noted below.
For contact tracing to be possible, the Law School will have a sign-in sheet for attendees of the Mass to complete when they arrive at the reception desk to receive their parking validation and to be let through the turnstiles. Also, while the building is normally locked and only accessible to those with an MUID card (with signs on exterior doors indicating this), for the First Friday Mass, the exterior doors will be unlocked from 7 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., so attendees can enter without an MUID card. This will include the entrance from the parking structure. Anyone arriving after 7:45 A.M. will not be able to get into the building. Masks are required when in the building. If someone arrives without a mask, the Law School will provide a paper one for them to wear.
This also describes the First Friday Mass. Our Co-Chaplain, Fr. Brad Krawczyk, presided. After the Mass, Al McCauley spoke with a PowerPoint on St. Barnabas, who is believed to have been the author of the Letter to the Hebrews. Al distributed wrist bands emphasizing the traits of encouragement and humility associated with St. Barnabas and spoke about his journeys with St. Paul and other details of his life.